вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

appalacian trail club

�no, Iapos;m not jealous.. Why would I be anyways >____>" I just want to say how stupid the fans are though. Actually, I LIKED dbsk.. But.. The ignorant cassiez made me hate them. I donapos;t give a crap how much albums they sold; whether itapos;s 300,000 copies or more. WHO�GIVES�A�FUCKING FREAK. =___="
Their songs are so crap Itapos;s not even funny. Itapos;s not even "SEXY". Like omg. Their new song apos;Miroticapos; or whatever is not even a good song. Itapos;s only a good song to the cassiez apos;coz their hypnotized by dbskapos;s looks everything already. They have gone heads over heels for them already. I mean, if big bang sung mirotic.. I donapos;t think the cassiez would go all crazy and shit. Oh and dbskapos;s vocals the shit. You guys are just spellbound by their looks.
I mean.. Their new concept for their new album is to bare their chest.. Which obviously will make the fangirls go "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. OMMMMMOOOOOOOOO TOT""""""""""""" Please. That just shows their really up themselves. I donapos;t see how their songs are so "good".
Maybe itapos;s the different taste in music. Idk. I mean.. Not even one of their songs seems good to listen. Their singing in each song is terrible. Well not terrible but I just canapos;t bare to listen to it. I honestly try to like it but.. I just canapos;t like it. Not my type of music.. �i guess.
Oh and I donapos;t hate DBSK. I hate the crazy ass bitchy fans.�

ye. Cassiez. Suck my dick.
mwa xx

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cloud 9 tours

Playgrounds. Hangars. Weapons in space. Look, its almost christmas and what have we here. Someone left the back door open. The opening of the mirrored ways left a streak across the asphalt roads. Failed another test today, another and another, it gets easier after each. And more so now than ever before. At least you see it, or see it after. Or this is how you do it right. Or you respond with a letter and say hey and you wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait for your friend to tell you that its alright its okay itapos;ll be fine. Or even just a simple something like, no I cannot do this for you.

Or just voice. Did you know mice, in experiments, react to the sound of friendly voices in the exact same way as it does to prozac? And you let loose and shit across the page in kleidoscopic colours because you havenapos;t been eating well and japanese songs are echoing through the galaxy.

I donapos;t know what to say. To tell you that love is both this and that, and its good and bad, its precious and worthless, its common and rare, sacred and profane (which is taboo), its terrifying and exhilarating, clouded and clear, an eternal moment and flying past times. What do you want to hear? Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. Donapos;t call me. Donapos;t talk to me. Donapos;t come near me. Is that it? Because mama always told me that if I canapos;t say something good then donapos;t say anything at all. This is bad. This is bad. This is absolutely fucking terrible. I canapos;t move. I canapos;t speak. I canapos;t believe in anything. The closest has come and tore out everything. The tower is rotten and should fall. The tower is gonna be crashing down. Ah And the electronic overseers will look upon this and try to judge if there are levels beyond the raw angst. Donapos;t take it so seriously. Why so serious?�

Why are you still here, I told you to go away. I stopped listening to you. I never answered your calls. I donapos;t have time for your bullshit. I have to choose the right people to be around. I donapos;t need someone like you. And it hurts, it hurts. And its dark. And its very quiet. And there are demons down here.

Whoever you are, that was not for you.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Well, I�finally picked out who Iapos;m going to be for Halloween this year. Halloween is indeed one of the best times of the year, and I�canapos;t believe itapos;s approaching fast. Iapos;m not really going to be a character thatapos;s already been created. Itapos;s actually a character that I�made up as I�got creative with ideas that I�had in mind. Her name is Estrella de Soto. I�think I�might make up a story with this character. Itapos;s been on my mind for a while, and for once, Iapos;ll�actually be�writing a fantasy story, not a fanfic. I�havenapos;t really come up with a plot just yet, but Iapos;m still trying to have my creative mind help me out.

I�know for a fact that it will center around Estrella, of course, and that the plot will include her childhood friend, Dimitri DuBaer, who is based off of a close guy friend of mine. It will include how their friendship has been, and as the plot goes, it develops into a love relationship. The plotapos;s center will be a fantasy one, but I havenapos;t really made up my mind on what that will be. Well, letapos;s hope I�can get creative more in the morning.

That is all for tonight.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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So my day started with tap, which included tap dancing even Latin was alright, although I shouldapos;ve been better prepared than I was. Iapos;ll work on that in the future. Iapos;ve been falling back into some bad study habits lately. Unfortunate. I had lunch with Sara, Em, Saraapos;s boyfriend Gabe and a few of his Phi Delt brothers.Choir went fairly well, although some of the memory is not as secure as would be hoped for a concert a week hence. Itapos;ll be good, itapos;s just a little worrisome. Choreography just featured watching some studies, as will next class period. Itapos;ll be fun watching. I do so enjoy watching what my colleagues create and I dearly love showing�my colleagues what Iapos;ve created. I had my lesson with Jeffrey, and she gave me some exercises, for lack of a better term, to use for conditioning. I went back to UNR for Arts Night Out. That was a bunch of fun. The event featured all members of the School of the Arts, so I had a bunch of friends involved in all different aspects of the evening. I knew a few theatre people, ballroom dance peeps, UNR dance people and music people. I socialized and cruised the crowd smoozing as I went. I went and supported the Tango demonstration and chatted with the Dance Co-op/MENC/SAI table. The main attraction of this was of course the possibility of flirting with several different groups of people at one time. Normally I wouldnapos;t have such a possibility, but I was more than happy to do it. I also performed with the Free Improv Ensemble. We did three pieces in all, and that was fun. Although performing in the black box theatre does make for very dirty feet/hands/whatever touches the floor. I came home and Iapos;ll be going to bed shortly after I finish my paper for Phil of the Arts tomorrow.
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